Tournament results: (FASTCPU) Number of robots: 6 Matches per pairing: 10 Number of pairings: 15 Total matches: 150 ------------------------------- Total pairings per robot: 5 Total matches per robot: 50 Results completed: 05:50, 11/20/00 Best Survivor: XELLOS2 (70.000% wins) Biggest Loser: ZITGUN (24.000% wins) Best Killer: XELLOS2 (0.700 kills/match) Most Dead: ZITGUN (0.740 deaths/match) Most Trigger-Happy: BLEPERV3 (33.18 shots/match) Most Conservative: EHEU031 (15.98 shots/match) Best Marksman: ZITGUN (48.53% hit) Most Haphazard: BLEPERV3 (32.01% hit) Most Destructive: XELLOS2 (93.40 damage/match) Least Effective: EHEU016 (57.30 damage/match) Longest Lived: EHEU016 (838.68 cycles/match) Shortest Lived: XELLOS2 (341.62 cycles/match) Rank Robot Score Wins/Matches Kills/Deaths Hits/Shots ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1 XELLOS2.AT2 70.00% 35/50 35/15 535/1609 2 EHEU031.AT2 58.00% 29/50 29/19 313/799 3 ZIPPER3.AT2 52.00% 26/50 26/24 585/1558 4 EHEU016.AT2 42.00% 21/50 22/24 299/868 4 BLEPERV3.AT2 42.00% 21/50 21/27 531/1659 5 ZITGUN.AT2 24.00% 12/50 13/37 511/1053 Generated by ATR-Tournament 1.05 Copyright (C) 1997, Ed T. Toton III All Rights Reserved.