;The Machine: Mortar Upgrade - (c) Bryan Hardenberger ;Completed May 14th 2002 ;E-mail: Rune_Master_Magician@yahoo.com ;Lines: 25 ;Class: Lightweight ;The Machine: Mortar Upgrade is my second attempt at an original robot. ;Strategy: Narrow down the location of the target, then blast them with huge ;streams of missiles. The Machine: Mortar Upgrade only seems to work well with ;stationary targets. As it is, it is a lightweight robot at 25 lines. ;If for some reason this robot is found useful, feel free to study it. Please ;don't blatantly copy it, but go ahead and use an idea or two. I only ask that ;you credit your source. ;Robot "CMOS" Configuration (controls distribution of the 12 system points) ;Machine CMOS v0.1.1 (Mortar Upgrade) #CONFIG SCANNER=5 #CONFIG WEAPON=5 #CONFIG ARMOR=0 #CONFIG ENGINE=0 #CONFIG HEATSINKS=2 #CONFIG MINES=0 #CONFIG SHIELD=0 ;Robot Message #MSG *-\_/-\_/-\_/-\_/-* ;robot scanning waves ;"Operating System" (the various commands that control the robot in battle) ;Machine OS v0.1.1 (Mortar Upgrade) #def scan opo 17 0 opo 19 777 opo 20 500 !scanning opo 12 1 ipo 7 scan cmp scan 1500 jls !fire jae !scanning !fire opo 15 opo 15 opo 15 opo 15 opo 15 opo 15 opo 15 opo 15 opo 15 opo 15 opo 15 opo 15 opo 15 opo 15 opo 15 jne !scanning je !scanning