;LITES OUT by: Jeremiah Martell ~aka~ PsuedoChaos ;fires continuously and the best part is its hit/miss ratio. ;it hits a lot more than it misses (on most bots that is). ;one funny thing is that it moves really slow (15) ;and it seems that at this speed other bots have a hard ;time hitting it. hehe ;anyway, this is VER 1.0 another bot of mine, THEORY, ;is just a close brother of LITES OUT. which I made ;with different settings and some tweaks. ;enjoy! =) ; ; (distributable after competition) #msg Continuous beating #def overheat #def turndir mov turndir, 16 ipo 3, ax ;returns current heading mov bx, 255 ;\ sub bx, ax ; |_rotates tank to 32 add bx, 32 ; | opo 14, bx ;/ xor bx, bx ;\_resets ax and bx to 0 xor ax, ax ;/ opo 17, 15 ;sets scan arc mov ax, 1 ;\_sets keepshift on int 3 ;/ xor ax, ax ;resets ax :1 ;moving opo 11, 15 ipo 3, ax int 2 cmp ex, 970 jgr 7 cmp ex, 30 jls 8 cmp fx, 970 jgr 10 cmp fx, 30 jls 9 :2 ;aiming and shooting cmp cx, 0 jgr 3 ipo 7, bx ;scan cmp bx, 1500 ;anything there jgr 30 ;if not go to 30 ipo 8, dx ;if there fing accuracy cmp dx, 0 jgr 50 jls 51 :100 mpy dx, 6 opo 17, 6 ;sets scan arc opo 12, dx :3 mov cx, 1 xor dx, dx ;reset dx ipo 7, bx ;scan cmp bx, 1500 ;anything there? jgr 30 ;if not go to 30 ipo 8, dx ;if there is find accuracy shl dx, 2 opo 12, dx ;rotate turret depending on accuracy cmp overheat, 0 jgr 41 ipo 2, ex ;see how hot you are cmp ex, 300 ;overheating? jgr 1 ;if so jump shl dx opo 15, dx ;shoot jmp 1 :7 cmp ax, 128 jgr 2 cmp ax, 64 jgr 20 jmp 21 :8 cmp ax, 128 jls 2 cmp ax, 192 jgr 20 jmp 21 :9 cmp ax, 192 jls 11 jmp 21 :10 cmp ax, 128 jgr 12 jmp 21 :11 cmp ax, 64 jgr 2 jmp 20 :12 cmp ax, 192 jls 20 jmp 2 :20 opo 14, 64 jmp 2 :21 opo 14, -64 jmp 2 :30 mov cx, 0 opo 17, 15 opo 12, turndir jmp 1 :50 cmp turndir, 0 jgr 100 neg turndir jmp 100 :51 cmp turndir, 0 jls 100 neg turndir jmp 100