; Mike 01/09/01 ; ;#config weapon=1 ; gives 1 point #config scanner=5 ; gives 1 points #config engine=4 ; consumes 2 points #config heatsinks=0 ; gives a point #config armor=1 ; gives a point #msg Mike !begin jmp !init !data *128, 128, 128, 128 ; 0 *124, 116, 96, 64 ; 4 *160, 160, 160, 134 ; 8 *134, 96, 96, 64 ; 12 *180, 160, 192, 160 ; 16 *160, 128, 96, 64 ; 20 *188, 198, 224, 160 ; 24 *96, 96, 70, 64 ; 28 *192, 198, 224, 224 ; 32 *32, 96, 66, 54 ; 36 *192, 224, 0, 32 ; 40 *32, 64, 32, 50 ; 44 *192, 224, 224, 6 ; 48 *6, 32, 32, 32 ; 52 *192, 224, 224, 252 ; 56 *0, 0, 0, 0 ; 60 !init opo 17, 3 ; scan arc opo 13, 192 ; aim gun left #def speed mov speed, 100 !start opo 11, speed ; Throttle to 100% !scan ipo 7, fx ; Scan for enemy cmp fx 1500 ja !nav ; No one found? Decide what to do !fire ; Someone was found ipo 2, fx cmp fx, 150 jgr !nav opo 15, 0 ;fire cmp fx, 100 jgr !nav opo 15, 0 ;fire opo 15, 2 opo 15, -2 cmp fx, 50 jgr !nav opo 15, 1 ;fire opo 15, -1 !nav int 2 ipo 1, ax ; get curr speed cmp ax, 0 jne !go cmp speed, 100 jeq !back !fwd mov speed, 100 jne !go !back mov speed, -75 !go shr ex, 7 shl ex, 3 shr fx, 7 add ex, fx add ex, 1028 mov ex, [ex] ; desired heading into ex ipo 3, fx ; curr heading into fx sub ex, fx opo 14, ex ipo 8, ax ; armour check cmp ax, 20 jgr !start int 4 ; overburn on jmp !start ; start over !bogus1q !bogus1w !bogus1e !bogus1r !bogus1t !bogus1y !bogus1u !bogus1i !bogus1o !bogus1p !bogus1a !bogus1s !bogus1d !bogus1f !bogus1g !bogus1h !bogus1j !bogus1k !bogus1l !bogus1z !bogus1x !bogus1c !bogus1v !bogus1b !bogus1n !bogus1m !bogus1qq !bogus1ww !bogus1ee !bogus1rr !bogus1tt !bogus1yy !bogus1uu !bogus1ii !bogus1oo !bogus1pp !bogus1aa !bogus1ss !bogus1dd !bogus1ff !bogus1gg !bogus1hh !bogus1jj !bogus1kk !bogus1ll !bogus1zz !bogus1xx !bogus1cc !bogus1vv !bogus1bb !bogus1nn !bogus1mm !bogus1qw !bogus1we !bogus1er !bogus1rt !bogus1ty !bogus1yu !bogus1ui !bogus1io !bogus1op !bogus1as !bogus1sd !bogus1df !bogus1fg !bogus1gh !bogus1hj !bogus1jk !bogus1kl !bogus1zx !bogus1xc !bogus1cv !bogus1vb !bogus1bn !bogus1nm !bogus1qa !bogus1ws !bogus1ed !bogus1rf !bogus1tg !bogus1yh !bogus1uj !bogus1ik !bogus1ol !bogus1az !bogus1sx !bogus1dc !bogus1fv !bogus1gb !bogus1hn