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#config scanner=3 #config engine=1 #config armor=2 ; ============================================== ; ; DEFINED VARIABLES ; ; ============================================== ; #def Scanarc #def Range #def heat #def trspd #def trdeg #def trpred_tbl #def trpred_idx #def tucorr_tbl #def tucorr_idx #def tdsp #def fRndMove #def cTurnRate #def fArc4 #def fSpd ; ============================================== ; ; INITIALIZATION ; ; ============================================== ; !Startup or ax, 1 ; int i_overburn int i_keepshift mov trpred_tbl, 1028 mov tucorr_tbl, 3140 mov cTurnRate, 30 mov Scanarc, 64 mov fArc4, 300 mov fSpd, 500 opo p_arc, scanarc ; ============================================== ; ; DRIVING - CONTROL ; ; ============================================== ; !Drive ; ---------------------------------------------- ; ; RANDOM MOVEMENT ; ; ---------------------------------------------- ; !RndMove ipo p_rand, dx and dx, 128 sub dx, 64 opo p_steering, dx ; ---------------------------------------------- ; ; WALL CHECK ; ; ---------------------------------------------- ; !Wallcheck int i_locate mov fRndMove, 0ffh !lWall cmp ex, 200 ja !rWall and fRndMove, 0 !lcDir cmp @1, 128 jb !upWall opo p_steering, cTurnRate jae !lcDir !rWall cmp ex, 800 jb !upWall and fRndMove, 0 !rcDir cmp @1, 128 ja !upWall opo p_steering, cTurnRate jbe !rcDir !upWall cmp fx, 200 ja !dnWall and fRndMove, 0 !upcDir cmp @1, 64 jb !upcTmp cmp @1, 192 jb !spdcheck !upcTmp opo p_steering, cTurnRate jeq !upcDir jne !upcDir !dnWall cmp fx, 800 jb !spdcheck and fRndMove, 0 !dncDir cmp @1, 64 jb !spdcheck cmp @1, 192 ja !spdcheck opo p_steering, cTurnRate jeq !dncDir jne !dncDir ; ---------------------------------------------- ; ; SPEED CHECK ; ; ---------------------------------------------- ; !Spdcheck cmp [0], 100 jeq !Scan opo p_steering, 64 opo p_throttle, 100 ; ============================================== ; ; SCANNING - CONTROL ; ; ============================================== ; !Scan ipo p_scan, range cmp range, maxint jne !found cmp scanarc, 64 jeq !flip shl scanarc, 2 opo p_arc, scanarc jne !drive !flip opo p_trotate, 128 jeq !Drive !found cmp range, 200 ja !nof16 cmp scanarc, 16 jeq !fire16 !nof16 cmp scanarc, 4 jeq !fire4 opo p_steering, cTurnRate cmp @3, -1 jls !nacc2 jeq !nacc1 cmp @3, 1 jgr !pacc2 jeq !pacc1 shr scanarc, 2 opo p_arc, scanarc jne !scan !nacc2 mov dx, scanarc neg dx opo p_trotate, dx shr scanarc, 2 opo p_arc, scanarc jls !scan !nacc1 mov dx, scanarc shr dx, 1 neg dx opo p_trotate, dx shr scanarc, 2 opo p_arc, scanarc jeq !scan !pacc1 shr scanarc, 1 opo p_trotate, scanarc shr scanarc, 1 opo p_arc, scanarc jeq !scan !pacc2 opo p_trotate, scanarc shr scanarc, 2 opo p_arc, scanarc jgr !scan ; ============================================== ; ; FIRE - CONTROL ; ; ============================================== ; !fire4 ipo p_heat, heat cmp heat, 130 ja !drive ipo p_scan, range cmp range, 1500 ja !scan mov trspd, @13 mov trdeg, @6 cmp @13, 0 ja !pSpd neg trspd add trdeg, 128 and trdeg, 255 !pSpd shr trspd, 5 shr trdeg, 2 shl trspd, 6 mov trpred_idx, trpred_tbl add trpred_idx, trspd add trpred_idx, trdeg mov tucorr_idx, tucorr_tbl add tucorr_idx, @2 mov tdsp, [trpred_idx] add tdsp, [tucorr_idx] opo p_trotate, tdsp mov ax, @3 add ax, ax opo p_fire, ax opo p_fire, ax opo p_steering, cTurnRate jeq !fire4 jne !fire4 !fire16 ipo p_heat, heat cmp heat, 350 ja !drive ipo p_scan, range cmp range, 200 ja !scan mov trspd, @13 mov trdeg, @6 cmp @13, 0 ja !pSpd16 neg trspd add trdeg, 128 and trdeg, 255 !pSpd16 shr trspd, 5 shr trdeg, 2 shl trspd, 6 mov trpred_idx, trpred_tbl add trpred_idx, trspd add trpred_idx, trdeg mov tucorr_idx, tucorr_tbl add tucorr_idx, @2 mov tdsp, @3 sal tdsp, 3 add tdsp, [trpred_idx] add tdsp, [tucorr_idx] opo p_trotate, tdsp opo p_fire, @3 jeq !fire16 jne !fire16