#def tur #def sa ;Spinner ;By Anonymous ;Strategy: Its turret rotates, and when it finds something it shoots and reverses scan ;direction. xor ax, ax xor tur, tur opo 17, 3 opo 11, 100 :1 ;Move and rotate turret opo 17, 3 ipo 17, sa opo 11, 100 xor ax, ax inc tur opo 13, tur ipo 7, ax cmp ax, 2000 jls 2 jmp 1 :2 ;Reduce scan arc cmp sa 0 jls 3 dec sa opo 17, sa ipo 7, ax cmp ax, 2000 jls 2 jmp 1 :3 ;fire opo 15 opo 15 opo 15 opo 15 jmp 11 :11 opo 17, 3 ipo 17, sa opo 11, 100 xor ax, ax dec tur opo 13, tur ipo 7, ax cmp ax, 2000 jls 22 jmp 11 :22 cmp sa 0 jls 33 dec sa opo 17, sa ipo 7, ax cmp ax, 2000 jls 22 :33 opo 15 opo 15 opo 15 jmp 1