;Robot's name : TORMENT_A ;Author : (c) XAZAX (Olger Oeselg) ;Author's Country : Estonia ;Author's E-mail : olger_o@hotmail.com ;Date of completion : 24/Aug/2002 ;Class : Standard Class ;Version : v1.0 ;Code Length : 38 lines. ;Generation : 1th (Standard class) ;Comment : I choosed vortexer as a base of my new entering to ; : the standard class competition. ;****************************************************************************** ;Targeting system :***** (5): Average ;Scanning system :*** (3): Poor ;Firing system :***** (5): Average ;Moving system :** (2): Simple ;Killing ability :**** (4): Ordinary ;Surviving ability :**** (4): Ordinary ;Design :*** (3): 1th generation standard class bot ;****************************************************************************** ;Design: Idea is vortexer style bot, but i hope that i will not go too ; sloppy because of no limitations in the code size. ;****************************************************************************** ;Style: Moving around the battlefield, he tries to be parallel with ; his enemy and fires with smart decisions. ;****************************************************************************** ;[[[ TRY TO MAKE YOUR OWN SUCCESSOR NOT BY COPYING CODE FROM OTHER DESIGNS ]]] ; MAKING THE DESIGN SIMILAR TO OTHERS IS ACCEPTABLE LIKE BOTGOD32 -> TRIDENTX ; ;[[[ POSSIBLE COPYING DETECTED, SO NO NEWCOMER WILL SEE MY NEWEST DESIGNS ]]] ;****************************************************************************** #config scanner=4 #config weapon=2 #config armor=2 #config engine=2 #config heatsinks=2 ;****************************************************************************** #MSG illegal to copy ;****************************************************************************** ; Compilable code: ;****************************************************************************** set ax 32 int 3 set cx -100 ;4 ;****************************************************************************** !turner opo 12 64 !start cmp @0 0 jne !core neg cx opo 11 cx ;9 !core opo 17 ax ipo 7 ex cmp ex 1500 ja !track set bx ax mpy bx @3 shr bx 1 opo 12 bx cmp ax 2 jbe !fire shr ax 1 ;20 !fire ipo 2 fx cmp fx 130 jae !move set bx @3 add bx bx cmp ex 400 jb !closefire cmp ex 750 ja !longfire opo 15 bx jmp !move ;32 !track cmp ax 32 jae !turner shl ax 1 opo 14 3 jmp !start ;37 !closefire cmp @7 0 je !easyfire opo 15 @3 jmp !move ;41 !longfire opo 12 @3 opo 15 bx jmp !move ;44 !easyfire opo 15 @3 opo 15 @3 opo 15 @3 ;47 !move ipo 5 ex add ex -64 sub ex @1 opo 14 ex jmp !start ;52