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mov closeshotlim, 300 mov cycledelay, 3 mov cx, cycledelay ;mov fx, 40 ;mov dx, 0 ;mov ex, 100 mov reldir, 96 out p_throttle, 100 !rescan out p_arc, 64 !turn loop !nocheck1 call !DoCycle2 !nocheck1 out p_trotate, 128 !loop in p_scan, dist cmp dist, 1600 ja !turn cmp @3, 0 je !next_2 mov ax, @3 shl ax, 5 out p_trotate, ax !next_1 out p_arc, 32 loop !nocheck2 call !DoCycle !nocheck2 in p_scan, dist cmp dist, 1600 ja !rescan cmp @3, 0 je !next_3 mov ax, @3 shl ax, 4 out p_trotate, ax !next_2 out p_arc, 16 loop !nocheck3 call !DoCycle !nocheck3 in p_scan, dist cmp dist, 1600 jbe !dont_next_1 je !next_1 jne !next_1 !dont_next_1 cmp dist, closeshotlim jbe !closeshot cmp @3, 0 je !next_4 mov ax, @3 shl ax, 3 out p_trotate, ax !next_3 out p_arc, 8 loop !nocheck4 call !DoCycle !nocheck4 in p_scan, dist cmp dist, 1600 jbe !dont_next_2 je !next_2 jne !next_2 !dont_next_2 cmp dist, closeshotlim jbe !closeshotinit cmp @3, 0 je !next_5 mov ax, @3 shl ax, 2 out p_trotate, ax !next_4 out p_arc, 4 loop !nocheck5 call !DoCycle !nocheck5 in p_scan, dist cmp dist, 1600 jbe !dont_next_3 je !next_3 jne !next_3 !dont_next_3 cmp dist, closeshotlim jbe !closeshotinit mov ax, @3 shl ax, 1 out p_trotate, ax !next_5 out p_arc, 2 !contscan loop !nocheck6 call !DoCycle !nocheck6 in p_scan, dist cmp dist, 1600 jbe !dont_next_4 je !next_4 jne !next_4 !dont_next_4 cmp dist, closeshotlim jbe !closeshotinit in p_heat, ax ;cmp dist, 150 ;jb !closeshot cmp ax, 100 ja !contscan !shoot ;mov ax, @3 mov ex, @13 mov fx, @6 cmp ex, 0 ja !cpred neg ex add fx, 128 and fx, 255 !cpred sar ex, 5 sar fx, 2 sal ex, 6 add ex, 1032 add ex, fx cmp [ex], 256 je !sitkill out p_fire, @3 ;This should maybe be moved up a little ;out p_fire, @3 ;mov ax, 3144 ;add ax, @2 ;mov ax, [ax] ;add ax, [ex] ;out p_trotate, ax out p_trotate, [ex] out p_fire, @3 ;out p_fire, @3 ;out p_fire, @3 ;out p_trotate, ax ;Try to follow the bot jne !contscan je !contscan !sitkill ;Kill sitting duck efficently ;int 11 ;Get robot info (robot speed in dx) ;mov dx, @13 ;mov fx, @2 ;add fx, 128 ;and fx, 255 ;sar dx, 5 ;sar fx, 2 ;sal dx, 6 ;add dx, 1032 ;add dx, fx ;out p_trotate, [ex] mov ax, 3144 add ax, @2 mov ax, [ax] add ax, @3 out p_trotate, ax out p_fire out p_fire out p_fire out p_fire out p_fire ;out p_trotate, @3 jne !contscan je !contscan !closeshotinit out p_arc, 16 !closeshotstart loop !nocheck7 call !DoCycle !nocheck7 in p_scan, dist cmp dist, 350 ja !next_1 !closeshot in p_heat, ax cmp ax, 200 ja !closeshotstart mov ex, @13 mov fx, @6 cmp ex, 0 ja !cpred3 neg ex add fx, 128 and fx, 255 !cpred3 sar ex, 5 sar fx, 2 sal ex, 6 add ex, 1032 add ex, fx mov ax, @3 shl ax, 3 add ax, [ex] out p_trotate, ax out p_fire ;out p_fire jne !closeshotstart je !closeshotstart !DoCycle ;Does navigation and speed adjustments mov cx, cycledelay int i_locate ;Get position in ex:fx cmp ex, 100 jb !tofarleft cmp ex, 900 ja !tofarright cmp fx, 100 jb !tofarup cmp fx, 900 ja !tofardown ;neg reldir ;mov ax, @2 ;sub ax, reldir ;and ax, 255 ;out p_steering, ax out p_steering, 159 ;Navigation is primitive but very efficient! je !turndone jne !turndone !tofarleft mov ax, 96 sub ax, @1 out p_steering, ax je !turndone jne !turndone !tofarright mov ax, 224 sub ax, @1 out p_steering, ax je !turndone jne !turndone !tofarup mov ax, 160 sub ax, @1 out p_steering, ax je !turndone jne !turndone !tofardown mov ax, 32 sub ax, @1 out p_steering, ax je !turndone jne !turndone !turndone cmp @0, 100 je !nospeedchange out p_throttle, 100 !nospeedchange ret !DoCycle2 ;Does navigation and speed adjustments mov cx, cycledelay int i_locate ;Get position in ex:fx cmp ex, 100 jb !tofarleft2 cmp ex, 900 ja !tofarright2 cmp fx, 100 jb !tofarup2 cmp fx, 900 ja !tofardown2 neg confuse out p_steering, confuse je !turndone2 jne !turndone2 !tofarleft2 mov ax, 96 sub ax, @1 out p_steering, ax je !turndone2 jne !turndone2 !tofarright2 mov ax, 224 sub ax, @1 out p_steering, ax je !turndone2 jne !turndone2 !tofarup2 mov ax, 160 sub ax, @1 out p_steering, ax je !turndone2 jne !turndone2 !tofardown2 mov ax, 32 sub ax, @1 out p_steering, ax je !turndone2 jne !turndone2 !turndone2 cmp @0, 100 je !nospeedchange2 out p_throttle, 100 !nospeedchange2 ret