Lady Leila - There are several female warriors within the military
ranks, but rarely does one attain knighthood. This is due mostly to
social factors, rather than physical ability.. But Leila broke away
from custom and rose through the ranks. Her weapon of choice is
a long-pike (approximately fourteen feet in length). It's an unusual
weapon for fighting on foot and up-close, but in this case, it's
an unusual weapon to begin with. Her pike is collapsible, meaning it
can shorten down to the size of a standard spear, making it more
maneuverable when the situation calls for it. She usually keeps a
dagger with her at all times, as a back-up. She may not be as strong
as some of the other knights, but she is very level headed and rational,
and capable of sizing up a situation quickly. She's strong-willed,
kind-hearted, and always ready to lend a hand.