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Sir Lance Sir Lance, First Knight - Lance proved to be a child-prodigy when it came to the ways of combat and tactics. He quickly rose through the ranks, and one day saved Malcolm's life when they were both much younger. Malcolm doesn't trust anyone as much as he does Lance, not even his own wife, and for good reason- Lance has unwavering loyalty. Despite Lance's good-to-the-bone demeanor, he won't raise a finger to stop some of the immoral acts of his King, simply because his oath of loyalty prevents him from standing up to his ruler.

Sir Jessic Sir Jessic - One of the newest and youngest knights. Because he was so recently knighted, he hasn't seen many combat situations outside of the infantry ranks from which he was promoted. Battle in small numbers and going on important missions is very different than scouting or patrolling. He constantly looks to the other knights for guidance, and the others usually have to remind him not to rush off into battle without a plan.

Sir Trask Sir Trask - A wise old knight, Trask has learned to temper his fighting skills with good decision-making skills. He has a good appreciation for when to fight and when not to. Many of the other knights look to him for advice, or for suggestions in a tough situation. His weapon of choice is a large flanged mace, which he wields skillfully and with great strength.

Lady Leila Lady Leila - There are several female warriors within the military ranks, but rarely does one attain knighthood. This is due mostly to social factors, rather than physical ability.. But Leila broke away from custom and rose through the ranks. Her weapon of choice is a long-pike (approximately fourteen feet in length). It's an unusual weapon for fighting on foot and up-close, but in this case, it's an unusual weapon to begin with. Her pike is collapsible, meaning it can shorten down to the size of a standard spear, making it more maneuverable when the situation calls for it. She usually keeps a dagger with her at all times, as a back-up. She may not be as strong as some of the other knights, but she is very level headed and rational, and capable of sizing up a situation quickly. She's strong-willed, kind-hearted, and always ready to lend a hand.

Sir Jarvis Sir Jarvis - Jarvis favors a heavy axe as his weapon of choice. It resembles the style of halberd that is common in the kingdom, but with a shorter shaft. He prefers more maneuverability than is afforded by a halberd, but still enjoys a heavy chopping attack. Jarvis has a very strong grasp of when retreat is the better side of valor. He prefers not to get into a fight, and once fighting, he prefers to leave early. He won't abondon his friends though, and if one of the other knights are in trouble, he'll put his personal distaste for war aside. He became a knight primarily to help those in need, and to attempt to exert some influence to make war a last resort rather than a way of life for the kingdom.

Sir Garth Sir Garth - Garth is a strong and zelous warrior. When provoked, he's capable of going into a non-stop blood-rage. With the strength and enthusiasm he puts behind his blows, the axe makes a perfect weapon to suit his style, and not much can withstand his attack. He's good at obeying orders, but enjoys a good bloodbath, and is always anxious to get into battle. He despises patient tactics.


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