The Bombard Brothers - Not much is known about these
two, partially because their grasp of english isn't solid,
but also because they prefer not to talk much. No one even
seems to know their names, so they tend to be referred to
simply as "the cannon guys". Large siege
cannons are known in this land, but aren't very common. And
on top of that, the recipe for gun powder is a closely guarded
secret handed down in family lines, and no one under King
Malcolm's rule has such knowledge. So when the two of these men
appeared one day with not only large siege cannons, but also
small maneuverable ones the likes of which no one has seen,
Malcolm hired them on the spot. They were very eager to obtain
employment in a fortified castle, perhaps because they're running
from their past. Malcolm treats them very well and keeps them
quite happy, so as not to lose their services. They both also
carry muskets... something that is very remarkable, since small
firearms don't exist anywhere. No one has ever heard of such a
thing, so most assume that they're just carrying unusual looking
scepters or that they're tools for working on the cannons. Just
where did these guys come from anyway???