Ilrath, the Liche - Ilrath (pronounced like "ill-wrath") is
a very powerful liche, which is to say, a very powerful undead
mage, and is the primary nemesis to King Malcolm. They both know
how to press each other's buttons quite effectively... But unlike
King Malcolm, Ilrath has a sense of honor and fairness. Ilrath's
primary motivation
is to seek ever greater power, and to continually raise the dead.
As much as he uses and abuses the skeletons and other dead things
under his command, he does have a profound caring for their well-being.
This may sound contradictory, but if you think about it, skeletons
can't die because they're already dead. They don't get sick or tired,
and never complain about being over-worked. But if one is damaged in
combat or by magical means, Ilrath takes it personally. He also has
a strong sense of balance. He realizes that too much success limits
future growth and expansion, and thus is careful not to win too much
too fast. Despite the vile and evil acts that Ilrath may do, he's a
complex character with good qualities as well. He's merely very
selective about it.