| Inspection by Maint Droids |
Here's TriTech's premier product, the Deep-Space Explorer. Capable
of long-range exploration, relative to other designs of the time,
such vessels paved the way for discovery and learning. Since TriTech
was not only a space manufacturer, but also having sections for
science and weapons, this made a good starter project that involved
all three of TriTech's branches. A science ship, but also with
armaments. In this scene, we see a prototype in a messy landing
zone undergoing inspection by several droids.
[I finally got around to designing a much nicer and larger ship.
Eventually I want to make a large capital ship with decks and
cargo/storage and a shuttle/fighter bay, etc... But for now this
will do. The ship is 85 studs long, excluding the antennas/guns
that extend off the front. This ship, though large by some standards,
is still small compared to what a lot of people do, and yet with
my large collection it still taxed my supply of lego parts, since
each part of the ship required very specific sizes and colors.
This introduced some interesting design problems, especially in
the engine attachment, but I think it all turned out quite well.]