| A High Speed Shuttle |
This is a high-speed shuttle used for transporting personel
from one location to another. It is short ranged, but very
fast. It can occasionally be used to ferry people between
orbit and the surface, as long as there is fuel to be had at
its destination. More often than not, it's used to transport
people between bases. One of its useful features is that it
has a pressurized cabin that can act as an airlock. If both
the destination and point of origin have pressurized landing
bays, the occupants may not even need space suits. An efficient
pressurization and life support system like this is usually
reserved for larger or clumsier ships, or for mobile labs
or ground facilities. The ship's capacity is 3 (one pilot
and two passengers).
[This ship is made almost entirely from the Naboo Fighter kit's
pieces. It has only a
few pieces from other kits, the most obvious being the canopy.
I know the picture makes it look like it couldn't possibly
hold 3 figures, but it does. In fact, at the time this picture
was taken, it had a race-car driver and Anakin Skywalker sitting
in the passenger seats]