NecroBones Software
Retro Games for a New Millenium
NecroBones Enterprises
(tm/copyright) Ed T. Toton III, 1994
Games, Etc:
Several games below are part of the NecroBones A-Pack, meaning that
registering for one of them will register you for all of the games
in the set. All of the games that are in the A-Pack say
"[A-Pack]" after the game's name.
Here are the NecroBones shareware/freeware games and programs below.
Take a look, and download what you like. Also,
feel free to look at the old games / pre-necrobones software
page as well.
NOTE: I recommend using DOS Box
to play these games. I've tested that it seems to work with my audio systems in
most of these games, which is really nice to see. It isn't perfect, but it allows
you to actually hear the audio with these games and still play them in Windows. I
recommend a "CPU cycles" setting of 6,000 - 30,000 for most of these. Generally,
set it as high as you can without the audio skipping.
Dragon's Mandate v1.11 (Self Extracting EXE/ZIP ~114k)
(Minimum DOS-BOX "CPU Cycles" is 25,000, but it will run
natively in Windows just fine, full-screen)
Dragon's Mandate is another game similar in gameplay to
Adventure on the Atari, just as my old Dragon's Domain games
were, though this one is a far superior program. :-) Basically
you are a knight on a quest to recover the chalice. To do so,
you will need to find the keys to unlock various gates, and
find your way through mazes and dungeons, while avoiding
getting killed by dragons, skeletons, and fire elementals.
VGA, 486+ required, Windows-Friendly (Works with Windows XP).
Easter Egg room (Bones' Office, with images from several other
of my games, reachable without cheating):
(Version 1.10 released August 2007 is slightly easier to play.
The dragons are slightly faster to kill, the player runs faster,
the dark areas are more
lit, and some of the nearly invisible and hard to navigate corridors
have been widened. Version 1.11 in 2007 also adds a dragon kill-tracker,
more peon monsters, some additional copies of items and a second bat)
AT-Robots v2.x (Compressed ZIP ~110k)
(v1.1 Featured in GameHead [Vol.1, Issue#4, Dec95])
Advanced T-Robots is the successor to T-Robots. In AT-Robots, the robots
are programmed in a language that is similar to assembly language, only
easier. 286+, DOS 3.3+, VGA/SVGA required. Great for learning the basics
of, or familiarizing yourself with assembly language. Also great for having
competitions with friends or user-groups or whatever.
For more info, take a look at the
competition page.
UFO, The Card Game v1.05 (Self Extracting EXE/ZIP ~340k)
(Featured in GameHead [Vol.1, Issue#3, Nov95])
UFO, The Card Game is an UNO clone (pronounced like 'UNO' but with an 'F')
in which you play against aliens that actually speak, whine, complain, and
taunt! (assuming you have a sound-blaster or adlib compatable sound-card).
Many aliens and
customization files are available,
and the game is heavily configurable. Simple point-and-click interface,
VGA gfx, 286+ required. 1 to 4 players. Mouse recommended.
(If it doesn't want to unzip, rename it
to a .EXE file and try running it, since it is actually a
self-extracting EXE file) Windows-HOSTILE
Registration is no longer required. Here is a free code:
UserName: Unregistered User
Password: 41301
Stellar Conquest III v1.05 (~120k ZIP file)
(Featured in GameHead [Vol.1, Issue#3, Nov95])
Stellar Conquest III is a hi-res VGA space combat strategy game for 1 to
4 players, with a simple point-and-click interface. While based on a
fairly simple concept, there are endless choices for strategy. Design
your own ships to mine for more resources, and to attack the opponents.
Many configuration options, 286+ required, mouse required.
Registration is no longer required. Here is a free code:
UserName: Unregistered User
Password: 24234
Also, SC3 is now OPEN SOURCE. Since it was written in Turbo Pascal 6,
it may be hard to do much of anything with it. But the source code
is available here: sc3-105-tpsource.zip (478k).
It's not for the faint of heart. Nearly 10,000 lines of uncommented code.
Asteroid Mayhem v1.01 (~310k ZIP file) [A-Pack]
(Featured in GameHead [Vol.1, Issue#3, Nov95] {Top10})
Asteroid Mayhem is a VGA scrolling Asteroids game that quickly earns
its title! VGA, 486+ 640k+ RAM required. Soundblaster/compatable
recommended. Battle smoothly spinning rendered asteroids, and silly
alien creatures, whose sound effects are in a similar style to the
popular Mac game Crystal Quest. Windows-HOSTILE
Registration is no longer required. Here is a free code:
UserName: Unregistered User
Password: 41386
Battle of the Elements v1.0 (~170k ZIP file) [A-Pack]
Battle of the Elements is two games in one. The primary game is
similar in general concept to othello. 1 to 4 players can play
as various elements and forces of nature (10 to choose from) and
test their strategic thinking against one another or against the
computer. The secondary game is a puzzle game with 70 boards to
play. Features (as usual) full color VGA, and soundblaster digital
sound. VGA, Mouse, 400k+ RAM, and 286+ processor required.
Registration is no longer required. Here is a free code:
UserName: Unregistered User
Password: 41386
MOLECULE:Chain-Reaction v1.10 (~150k ZIP file) [A-Pack]
Molecule is a simple strategy game for 1 to 4 players. Each player
takes a turn adding a ball to the board. Each square can hold a
maximum number of balls equal to the number of adjacent squares.
When a square overflows, a ball is sent in each direction "capturing"
the square. Those may also overflow causing a chain-reaction.
Features (as usual) full color VGA, and soundblaster digital
sound. VGA, Mouse, 500k+ RAM, and 286+ processor required.
Registration is no longer required. Here is a free code:
UserName: Unregistered User
Password: 41386
YAO:Yet-Another-Othello v1.0 (~125k ZIP file) [A-Pack]
YAO is an othello game, pure and simple. 1 or 2 players may play.
Each player takes a turn placing a piece in a square. Any
squares belonging to the other player that are between this piece
and any other of the same player, on any axis (including diagonals)
is captured. Features (as usual) full color VGA, and soundblaster
digital sound. VGA, Mouse, 500k+ RAM, and 286+ processor required.
Registration is no longer required. Here is a free code:
UserName: Unregistered User
Password: 41386
Skull Quest 1, The Cyan Sarcophagus v1.15 (~110k ZIP file)
(Featured in GameHead [Vol.1, Issue#3, Nov95])
In Skull Quest 1, The Cyan Sarcophagus (a VGA scrolling cross-sectional
view adventure game), the player plays an undead skeleton character who
has been charged with the task of stopping an unknown evil force from
tapping the power of the sarcophagus before the crypt (and the world
of the living) is destroyed...
Registration is no longer required. Click Here for cheats.
Skull Quest 2, The Vortex v1.00 (~150k ZIP file)
(Featured in GameHead [Vol.1, Issue#3, Nov95] {Top10})
Now that the Sarcophagus has been neutralized, the evil menace has
returned! The ethereal boundaries are weak in crypts, and even weaker
still because of the conflict in SQ1, and now an ethereal vortex has
opened deeper in the crypt! It must be seeled! Can you do it?
Registration is no longer required. Click Here for cheats.
Non-Sequitur v1.0 (Compressed ZIP ~66k)
This the redisigned Quick Quotes, which a program that randomly generates quotes and
'words of wisdom', in either 'quote' format, or paragraph form.
Generate hundreds of lines of nonsense in seconds! Use it to generate
a "quote of the day" for your AUTOEXEC.BAT or for your BBS. Includes
10,000 word dictionary, and configurable options including color,
margins, paragraph length, etc. Sentence scripts are also editable.
Plus, you can run the online version.
Binary Armageddon (BACS) (Compressed ZIP ~50k)
(Featured in GameHead [Vol.1, Issue#4, Dec95])
This game allows you to write programs that will battle against one
another in memory. This all takes place in a "virtual computer", thus
the programs can't function outside of BACS (Binary Armageddon Core
Simulator). Compete against your friends! Prove just who is the best
programmer! Comes with several sample programs. EGA/VGA required for
graphics modes.
Demos & Screensavers:
The programs below are all graphics/sound demos that truly
require at least a 486-33DX to run properly, and they require
a sound device (preferably a sound-blaster). Do not attempt to
run them under windows, you must exit out to DOS (or restart in
DOS) in order to run them (they'll probably lock up the system
or just run improperly under windows).
LCARS v1.00 (Compressed ZIP ~120k)
This is a screensaver/demo program that creates slightly-randomized
LCARS-like computer displays inspired by Star Trek. The colors and
buttom labelling is fairly randomized, but you can customize it
to a small degree if you prefer. Enjoyable for ambient atmosphere
in your computer work-area.
Windows-Friendly (Works with Windows XP)
Vortex v1.1, screen-saver (~45k ZIP file)
Vortex is a VGA palette-rotating, equation/fractal generated
graphics display program that can be used as a manually-invoked
windows95 or dos screen-saver. It is an extremely small but
mesmerizing program. Definitely worth the download! (freeware)
[Note- In a way, it can be considered a very 'perfect' screensaver,
simply because all of the colors are used evenly, and every pixel
undergoes the same palette rotation as every other pixel, resulting
in absolutely no burn-in] Now supports up through 1024x768 resolution!
PROBE v1.04 (Compressed ZIP ~485k)
In PROBE, you will watch as android piloted probes explore the
galaxy, encounter aliens (sometime battling against them), while
scanning planets, logging stellar information, and discovering
other interesting phenomena. Stunning graphics and well-suited
sound-effects make this a visual splendor. All planets and
star-systems are generated at random, so you will never see
the same planet twice. Give it a try!
Fire & Earth (Compressed ZIP ~140k)
Fire and Earth is a collection of graphical effects, many of which
are acheived through palette manipulation. The music sets the
mood perfectly, and the demo even rolls credits at the end.
As with all of my demos, it can be used as a screen-saver, or
a looping demonstration.
Dream Nature (Compressed ZIP ~135k)
Dream Nature is a very bizarre visual display inspired in part by
a demo called "Timeless", with music that seems to fit the title
quite well. For this one I would recommend a 486-DX4/100 or a
Pentium based computer. Most of the effects are generated at
random, and the demo will run forever (or until stopped).
For my older "learning to program" games, check out the Pre-NecroBones Games Page.
Back to NecroBones Headquarters Index.
(Copyright 1997, All Rights Reserved)